Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Hands Off the NAACP, Fox News Central

On Feb. 28, 2005 Fox New Central commentator Mark Hyman made comments directed at the NAACP. Some things are sacred, Mark, and the NAACP is one. Hands off. Here's my letter in response to Mr. Hyman's commentary. (And in fairness, I've linked the headline of my commentary to his commentary or http://www.foxbaltimore.com/baltimore_md/

Dear Mark Hyman,

My goodness. Is anything sacred to you guys, the conservative movement, than your own numb navel? I can't believe that Fox lets your shortsighted logic onto the airways. The illogic of your thoughts is unacceptable.

American law, no longer the outright endorser of laws of nullification, mob rule and segregation, may be fair but not quite equal.

The thinking people of this country know that equal protection under the law is a moving target. And the majority of the American people cannot see the truth if it was bulls-eyed on the tip of a weapon of mass destruction.

Come on now, Fox. Get real. Even President Bush's pal Russian President Putin sees the illogic.

And there you are, on TV, being trite, trying to make a case for a Caucasian male to head the NAACP, the organization that saved America from its barbaric endorsement of laws that sanctioned hate, segregation and nullification, three of the four deranged offspring of white supremacy mindset.

With Black leadership, the NAACP has helped America to find its humanity and its democracy.

Only Black Americans, the people who ascended from that brutal European slave trade and its ensuing barbarity against human beings in America, could have done that, as proven by history.

Black Americans forced America to be a democracy.

Leave the NAACP alone. Mark, you have no credibility to question its leadership.

Thank you.

Bill Curtis